Diplomacy (The Epitome Of Co-existence)

Diplomacy is the bedrock of co-existence and compromising for the better good of all those disgruntled.It is the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way through mutual respect and understanding. We all were born in this troubled world and indeed we inherited some of the bad and good history,in today’s world;we witnessContinue reading “Diplomacy (The Epitome Of Co-existence)”

Inclusive Change ( African Dream)

Africa is a continent rich with minerals,land and human capital,but what it lacks is real change.What we have witnessed over the years has been promising at first but quite disappointing at the very last. Our mother land of Africa is blessed with multiple cultural talents and excellence,it is pregnant with untapped potential and endless possibilities.WeContinue reading “Inclusive Change ( African Dream)”

The Genocide Of Palestinians By Israel.

Its been six months since the beginning of the Zionist Western backed Genocide on Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. The International Community at large has condemned the unforgivable actions of apartheid Zionist Israel and millions of world citizens have taken to the streets to demonstrate and show their total displeasure and oppositionContinue reading “The Genocide Of Palestinians By Israel.”

The Genocide the 21st century

It is shocking,astonishing,scary,horrible and traumatizing how the world is witnessing a whole genocide of major proportions being carried out in Gaza by the state of Israel. This is the darkest chapter in human history and the most painful and heart breaking moments that the modern world has experienced.Israel is dropping bombs tons of them everyContinue reading “The Genocide the 21st century”

Plight Of The Palestinian People

Israel 🇮🇱 is a Terrorist State. The Zionists of this Apartheid regime are increasingly intensifying their bombing campaign on Gaza targeting Hospitals,Churches and Schools.The United States of America is an enabler of these heinous atrocities of genocide against defenceless Palestinians. There is no place for this current Israel regime of Apartheid in our international communityContinue reading “Plight Of The Palestinian People”

The War That Should Have Never Taken Place (#Kiev Miscalculations)

In this modern world we live in,we must never witness wars and unnecessary conflicts that cause loss of human life,Infrastucture and livelyhoods.Diplomacy is the bedrock of today’s society,therefore we must at all cost work tirelessly to avoid any wars and confrontational conflicts. The war in Ukraine should have never escalated to this extent that weContinue reading “The War That Should Have Never Taken Place (#Kiev Miscalculations)”

Women In Leadership ( #PioneersOfSuccess)

They say when you want to empower and feed a community or village you must empower a woman.I for one cannot dispute that narrative because i have witnessed woman do extraordinary works that have lifted and preserved lives and livelihoods in societies. In a world where Man are still dominating the offices of power andContinue reading “Women In Leadership ( #PioneersOfSuccess)”

Great Africa #RisingGiant

The continent of Africa is a vast tract of land that has colossal different types of minerals and natural resources.It is a land of endless capabilities and possibilities because of the precious stones and riches it embodies. Africa can be a leading partner at an international stage and coordinate alongside other continents for research andContinue reading “Great Africa #RisingGiant”

The West & Its Double Standards (Western Media dilemma)

We live in a world where most of our information that we rely on day to day comes from the western part of the world.It has become our first source of information that we choose to trust first and listen to. Most of the views that we have in this morden world are shaped andContinue reading “The West & Its Double Standards (Western Media dilemma)”

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