Inclusive Change ( African Dream)

Africa is a continent rich with minerals,land and human capital,but what it lacks is real change.What we have witnessed over the years has been promising at first but quite disappointing at the very last.

Our mother land of Africa is blessed with multiple cultural talents and excellence,it is pregnant with untapped potential and endless possibilities.We are a continent of the future assigned to carry the next revolution of success and transformation.

Africa has a robust energetic populance that has the ability to usher a revolutionary age of new transformation.The cradle of life emanates in Africa and mother nature has blessed this continent beyond anyone’s imagination.

What we lack is honest morally suitable leadership,those that we have in positions of power have blocked or cancelled the very best and honest that are supposed to carry the mantle of leadership.

African Leadership cannot be based on any Western or Eastern model ,as we have a guiding principle which is called “Ubuntu”.This is something that we are born of and it carries us where ever we go.

If Africa is to have any future,it will be solely based on the humility of its citizenry and mother nature.We are born champions and we are the lions of the world.

The African Union should be an organisation of common intrests and principles where we gather and formulate policies that are pro African and seek to further the African dream and agenda.

We are not a continent of beggars but a continent of production and innovation,lets claim our right and glory for the world awaits for our emergence.

Published by Mike Vladimir Mubaiwa

A very open minded individual who loves democracy and the fruits it bears.Likes to tackle issues head on and share the stories that build our communities and different societies we live in.Passionate writer

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