The Genocide Of Palestinians By Israel.

Its been six months since the beginning of the Zionist Western backed Genocide on Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The International Community at large has condemned the unforgivable actions of apartheid Zionist Israel and millions of world citizens have taken to the streets to demonstrate and show their total displeasure and opposition to the continual ethnic cleansing of the beautiful and brave people of Palestine.

October 7 was a day when the resistance forces of Hamas attacked Israel settlers and it is very much regrettable that a few number of civilians were killed in the chaos of that day in the illegal settlements.Some people have used this day as an excuse to allow the occupying state of Israel to unleash its neo Nazi ideology and plans on the Palestinian population in Gaza.

It is very much important to note that this is not the beginning of the story as apartheid Israel has been relentlessly attacking Palestinians allover Gaza and the occupied West Bank.Scores amounting to hundreds and thousands of Palestinians have been killed by Zionist Israel for years and no action has been taken against the Zionist Jews of Israel.

Western states under the leadership of The United States Of America have time and again armed apartheid Israel and protected it from any consequences from its crimes against humanity.All this has boldened the Zionist Jews of Israel that they can commit any human rights crimes and get away with it as usual.

The use of the word “Antisemitic” has been a tool of abuse against anyone who challenges the gross crimes committed by the Zionist Jews of apartheid Israel.The majority of world citizens do not hate Jews as purported by the Zionists.The Zionists have made it a pledge to remove all Palestinians from their lands through force of harsh treatment,abuse and ethnical cleansing.

The killing of Women & Children is a deliberate act of wiping out the source of life of any Palestinian existence.Without women there is no children and without children there is no future generations.The far right of apartheid Israel consists of hardcore neo nazi supporters of the total annihilation of any trace of Palestinians in the lands of Palestine,as we have witnessed members of the cabinet and Knesset urging the military to “nuke” Gaza with nuclear weapons.

The USA,Britain,Germany and others in the west continue to arm this Zionist killing machine despite their own citizens objecting to these measures.A vast majority of western citizens are opposed to this genocide going on in Gaza and the family of nations the United Nations General assembly has condemned and demanded for a complete cease fire in Gaza but Israel has continued bombing and killing Palestinians day and night.

Apartheid Israel has refused to respect the resolutions of the Security Council of The UN for years and this boldness comes from their confidence that the American political establishment has their back.

In conclusion,Israel is responsible for a genocide and its a Rogue dangerous state and the USA with its western allies are 100% complicit to these crimes against humanity.The world must rise up and isolate the USA and its allies until they change their evil imperialistic ways of feeding off other people’s lives and blood. #FreePalestine

Published by Mike Vladimir Mubaiwa

A very open minded individual who loves democracy and the fruits it bears.Likes to tackle issues head on and share the stories that build our communities and different societies we live in.Passionate writer

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