The War That Should Have Never Taken Place (#Kiev Miscalculations)

In this modern world we live in,we must never witness wars and unnecessary conflicts that cause loss of human life,Infrastucture and livelyhoods.Diplomacy is the bedrock of today’s society,therefore we must at all cost work tirelessly to avoid any wars and confrontational conflicts.

The war in Ukraine should have never escalated to this extent that we witness today.I personally believe that the Ukrainian leadership failed its people and country at large by choosing to align themselves with a rival of their sister nation Russia.We must be very honest when we tackle this issue and not allow ourselves to be blinded by the propaganda that is reported in the main stream media mainly from the west.

One must apply common sense when you look deeply into why this war started,for years Russia has been preaching about the threat that Nato represents to its national security.They (Russians) have clearly explained their position as to why Nato must stop with its expansion to the East,Nato has promised Russia since back then that they posed no threat to The Federation Of Russia but their actions of expansion and provocation has convinced the Russians more that their very independence and sovereignty is at stake.

Mind you Nato is well known for its previous works of destabilizing countries through invasions.Kiev has been a very sharp instrument to use against Russia and i totally blame the Ukrainian authorities for not being genuine leaders that could put their country first above the interests of their western partners.Surely one can tell that Ukraine is fighting for American agenda against Russia because if the main goal was to fight for Ukrainians,iam sure President Zelensky would have worked very hard with his Russian counterpart President Putin to find a mutual solution on how they can co-exist as sister nations.

President Zelensky was delusional by thinking that once he played ball for the USA by provoking Russia,the Americans would come to his rescue when Russia would retaliate.Iam very sure that he regrets being used by the west to provoke Russia because the west only look after its self when things go south.

Bottomline is that Nato should have never pushed Russia’s redlines,Ukraine authorities should have fought for good mutual relations with Russia their Big Sister and not allow themselves to be used by an outsider.The blood that of people who died or continue to die in this war is on Russian and Ukrainian authorities and Ukranian leadership should never claim that they are innocent because they brought pain and suffering to their people by not putting their country first.

Published by Mike Vladimir Mubaiwa

A very open minded individual who loves democracy and the fruits it bears.Likes to tackle issues head on and share the stories that build our communities and different societies we live in.Passionate writer

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