Women In Leadership ( #PioneersOfSuccess)

They say when you want to empower and feed a community or village you must empower a woman.I for one cannot dispute that narrative because i have witnessed woman do extraordinary works that have lifted and preserved lives and livelihoods in societies.

In a world where Man are still dominating the offices of power and vast influence,we are now witnessing the rise and slow dominance of women in positions of leadership and good heavens they never disappoint.Industry comparative analysis also shows that, on average companies with one or more female directors outperform other companies on all three measures of profitability that is in return on assets, return on equity, and return on sales.Now with this assessment we can all agree that there are great benefits in having women lead be it in the business world or Politics.

Imagine for a minute a world where women are the majority of the global leadership,do you think we would be living in this troubled world?.What iam saying here is that women are natural leaders in their own right and they rely on their love and humanity in them when they make decisions.Most Men in the business world argue and dispute saying women are very emotional which undermines their ability to give or make constructive decisions,What they fail to realize is that it is within those emotions where the love and passion is derived from.

I have immense faith and confidence in the leadership of women and up until we learn to accept that reality then will always live in a world of imbalance.

Women are the epitome and true reflection of what real leadership is all about.

Published by Mike Vladimir Mubaiwa

A very open minded individual who loves democracy and the fruits it bears.Likes to tackle issues head on and share the stories that build our communities and different societies we live in.Passionate writer

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