Great Africa #RisingGiant

The continent of Africa is a vast tract of land that has colossal different types of minerals and natural resources.It is a land of endless capabilities and possibilities because of the precious stones and riches it embodies.

Africa can be a leading partner at an international stage and coordinate alongside other continents for research and developmental purposes.With its great advantage of having the highest number of youths in the world boasting approximately around +200 million youths, surely we can all agree that the future lies in Africa.

The numbers and calculations are all in favour of mother Africa but for that vision to be fully implemented and manifested into existence,it needs a young,focused and committed leadership that will steer the ship to the horizon of a new dawn pregnant with vast opportunities and options.For the past 2 or 3 decades some have witnessed past African leaders who vowed and promised to empower their people and guarantee them a secured future beyond their retirement

The biggest threat today that is threatening the African super power vision is rampant corruption from the top echelons of state power going right down to local authority bodies including private entities as well.The flourishing of corruption erodes the very fabric of an already booming or upcoming economy and this has been a normal trend in the African tale.

The fight against corruption is a collective task that every African citizen should embrace especially the young generation,it is a fight for survival for a bright better tomorrow one that has positive guarantees for Economical,Social and Political benefits for Africa and beyond.In a world of ever increasing threats of viruses and unimaginable global warming changes,we must consolidate our capabilities in the science and technology field.

Artificial intelligence is the new direction that the modern world rely on and as a continent with the largest youth count,we must strictly and patiently align our young people along that matrix so as to be a leading competent global partner and leader.

There is still time to turn around the African story into a inspiring and innovative successful legacy,all we need to do is unite and work together as one to save the already destitute international community.Lets embrace our diversity and resilience because that is where our strength and success lies.Arise AFRICA and UNITE!!!

Published by Mike Vladimir Mubaiwa

A very open minded individual who loves democracy and the fruits it bears.Likes to tackle issues head on and share the stories that build our communities and different societies we live in.Passionate writer

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