Diplomacy (The Epitome Of Co-existence)

Diplomacy is the bedrock of co-existence and compromising for the better good of all those disgruntled.It is the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way through mutual respect and understanding.

We all were born in this troubled world and indeed we inherited some of the bad and good history,in today’s world;we witness and experience very unfortunate and disturbing events and occurrences that shape our way of thinking and how we view the world all over.One might think of diplomacy as a very tough or difficult concept to think of or even explore but in true nature,this is in our everyday way of life as we mix and share our ideas & values and also try to convince one another of our self beliefs and norms.

The purpose of diplomacy is to strengthen the state or organization it serves in relation to others by advancing the interests in its charge. To this end, diplomatic activity endeavors to maximize a group’s advantages without the risk and expense of using force and preferably without causing resentment.It is a key mechanism through which nations foster mutual trust and productive relationships and has become crucial to building a secure global environment.

We live in times where we see an increase of anti-diplomacy measures being adopted,governments and regimes quickly taking decisions that raise tensions and are hostile to the very peace and security of other global member states.In such times of uncertainty,we seek the guidance of mature and honest diplomacy at all cost to avoid catastrophic eventualities that will plunge the world in unfathomable peril.

What worries me the most is when i see developed nations lacking through ignorance to adopt foreign policies that usher a balance of common sense & understanding that borders on global welfare and security.Member states with very sophisticated weapons of warfare tend to be very reckless these days with the responsibility that they themselves bear as custodians of weapons of mass destruction.In this day and age we are living in a world where fierce wars and genocide is taking place,yes in 2024 we still are experiencing acts of barbarism and anarchy.


In July 2015 a milestone was reached when world nations reached a master class deal through years of hard hitting diplomacy,the world was pleased and proud of this kind of achievement especially in diplomatic circles,it was a case study that was a true example of the fruits of diplomacy and compromising.The deal was know as The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,also known as (JCPOA).It was a deal achieved through hard work and commitment to peace with an understanding that the world was going to be a better place with peaceful co-existence.It is very sad that this deal was suffocated and strangled and left the world in a position of confusion,such decisions to kill the fruits of real diplomacy are only created to frustrate hope and a peaceful tomorrow and we condemn them.

In the case of the Ukraine-Russia war,i believe honest diplomacy was never given a chance to prevail as these two nations are very close intertwined sisters.It is very unfortunate that thousands of lives were lost and are still being lost as a result of the sabotage of diplomacy.

In the China-Taiwan case,it is an issue that needs extensive efforts of hard hitting diplomacy.First things first,the Chinese & Taiwanese people need to sit together on the round table and discuss their differences without outside influences and interference.I believe these governments will make wise decisions and save the lives of their citizenry by choosing peaceful co-existence through diplomacy.

Diplomacy is our only hope for a harmonious relations and mutual peace.

Published by Mike Vladimir Mubaiwa

A very open minded individual who loves democracy and the fruits it bears.Likes to tackle issues head on and share the stories that build our communities and different societies we live in.Passionate writer

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